The Yoga school literally means the union of two major entities. They argue that human being can achieve salvation by combining meditation and physical application of yogic techniques. It is argued that these techniques lead to the release of the Purusha from the Prakriti and would eventually lead to salvation. This origin of Yoga and the school have been expounded in the Yogasutra of Patanjali that is attributed tentatively to the 2nd century BCE. The physical aspect of this school deals primarily with exercises in various postures that are also called asanas. There are several types of breathing exercises that are called pranayams.
Means of Achieving Freedom Meanings/Ways of achieving it
Yama Practicing self-control
Niyama Observation of the rules governing one’s life
Pratyahara Choosing an object
Dharna Fixing the mind (over the chosen object)
Dhyana Concentrating on the (above-mentioned) chosen object
Samadhi It is the merging of the mind and the object that leads to the final dissolution of the self
The Yoga school favours these techniques as they help humans to control their mind, body and sensory organs. They propound that these exercises can help if one believes in the existence of God as a guide, mentor and teacher. They would help the individual to move away from worldly matter and achieve the concentration required to get salvation.