ONGC Videsh Limited

ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL), is engaged in the exploration and production of oil and gas outside India. OVL was incorporated as Hydrocarbons India Limited in 1965 to perform international exploration and production business. The company was rechristened as ONGC Videsh Limited from 1989. It has participated either directly or through its wholly-owned subsidiaries/joint venture companies in 30 projects in 15 countries of which nine projects are operated by OVL, 7 are jointly operated and 14 managed through participating interest. Currently, OVL has oil and gas production from 10 projects in eight countries, namely, Russia (Sakhalin-1 and Imperial Energy), Syria (Al-Furat Petroleum Co.), Vietnam (Block 06.1), Colombia (MECL), Sudan (Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company), South Sudan (Greater Pioneer Operating Company and Sudd Petroleum Operating Company), Venezuela (San Cristobal) and Brazil (BC-10). There are five projects where hydrocarbons have been discovered and
are at various stages of development.